Manhattan Animal Care Center​


Snyder #58575 March 31st 2019

 This special senior was brought to Manhattan ACC by the police after being brought into the station and she was in really bad shape with a laundry list of issues – 4/6 heart murmur, mammary mass, head tilt (possible neuro issue), blind, dry eye, glaucoma (& in need of a double Enucleation) skin issues, ear infection & dental disease. 

 It wasn’t looking good for this poor sweet 9yr old girl. Even most rescues won’t pull a senior dog like this with so many problems, but I think it was her sweet personality that saved her as despite all her issues she wasn’t aggressive or even cranky, nothing but sweetness from this girl. The least we could do for Snyder was to make her a little more comfortable by giving her a bath and haircut so we could see her personality shine and cross our fingers that a rescue capable and willing to take care of her extensive needs would pull her. Thankfully she left with a rescue after only a few days at the shelter.